The Arcade Olympics is an open event for people of all ages who want to play, watch, compete, experience, and be a part of gaming history. Guests are not required to compete to enjoy the weekend festivities.

  • Location: Arcade Monsters in Melbourne FL. 835 S Babcock ST, Melbourne FL 32901.

  • Event Date: 18 - 20 NOV 2022

Free vendor and performer registration is now open. Please email if you are interested in reserving a free vendor section or performer slot. Vendor and Events lineup will be released in the coming weeks.

First 100 people to purchase a 3-Day unlimited pass will receive a signed and serialized, limited edition, blacklight poster made by @DirtyDonnie for Arcade Monsters.

Here is a sneak peak into the weekend highlights:

  • 24 hour VIP access to the arcade for “3 Day” pass holders

  • Access to exclusive arcade games you can’t play anywhere else

  • Exclusive anime merch, art and other rare merchandise from our vendors

  • New custom made Trophies for tournament winners and Cosplay Contest winners

  • Custom made lanyards and tags for guests, competitors, vendors, and performers

  • 30+ gaming tournaments and thousands in cash prizes

  • Cosplay Contest Friday and Saturday Night at 11pm: $500 for first place. Both winners receive trophies

  • Black Light AM Art Contest: contestants make a blacklight design for a graphic design deal (optional) with Arcade Monsters and a cash prize of $500

  • Several Amazing live performances from talent acts

  • Face painting, scratch made food, and themed drinks

Tournament Rule Sets

Arcade Olympics 2022 Official Tournament Rulesets and Qualifiers (updated Nov 10)

Please contact ohaiimian#0410 or MandyMew#0573 on Discord or use the #AO-questions channel in the Arcade Monsters official Discord server if you have any questions regarding the contents in this ruleset.

Rhythm Games:

All rhythm games except DANCERUSH STARDOM will be single elimination (see DANCERUSH rules).

Beat Sabe️r - VR

Qualifier will be announced day of tournament.

Players in a 1v1 match will each pick one song, and a third song will be selected at random.


Qualifier will be announced day of tournament.

No IC cards will be used.

Only the default character, Chuni-penguin, will be used

Gameplay modifiers (Speed, Lane transparency, etc.) allowed

Players in a 1v1 match will each pick one song, and a third song will be selected at random.

DanceDanceRevolution A20 PLUS - Arcade

Qualifier will be announced day of tournament.

No IC/eAmuse cards will be used.

Any options that remove notes will not be permitted.

Song selection will be determined via card draw.

Higher seed selects left or right side.


Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge. Judging will be based on game score plus a panel of judges rating each 1-25 on performance. Maximum possible score will amount up to 200 points.

No warmup song allowed during tournament.

Participants allowed freedom of selecting whatever song and difficulty available for their performance.

Max Unlock IC/eAmuse card will be used, no personal cards will be used.

Pump It Up XX️ - Arcade

Qualifier will be announced day of tournament.

No AM PASSes will be used.

Any options that remove notes will not be permitted.

Song selection will be determined via card draw.

Higher seed selects left or right side

WACCA Reverse - Arcade

Qualifier will be announced day of tournament.

No IC cards will be used.

Players in a 1v1 match will each pick one song, and a third song will be selected at random by TO.

Fighting Games:

Single Elimination

Players are permitted to use their own fight stick or controller.

Best of 3 (First to 2) until Finals

No Pausing. Pausing by either player, accidental or purposeful will result in forfeiture of that round for the player that paused.

Any unidentifiable disruptions in play will result in replay of that round.

Ties (Double K.O.) will be replayed with the same characters and stage. The losing player of the preceding match may change character, winner may not.

No Stalling.

Configure bindings before a match. Only one button check per match.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate - Nintendo Switch

3 stock lives per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Grand Finals.

Winner must keep character.

Stage Hazards: OFF No DSR. Radar: ON

Starter Stages: Battlefield. Final Destination. Pokémon Stadium 2. Smashville. Small Battlefield

Counter-pick Stages: Hollow Bastion. Town and City. Smashville

Guilty Gear Strive - PS4

1v1 First to 2

Seeding: Random

Match Settings: 99 Seconds

Stages: Random

Tekken 7 (Official Tekken Rules) - PS4

60 second rounds.

3/5 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Finals.

Winner must keep character.

Random stage select for the first game (players may opt. for an agreed stage).

King of Fighters XV - PS4

1v1 matches

2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Top 8 finalists.

3/5 games for Grand Finals.

Players select their team and assists. Either player may elect to do Double Blind Team Selection

Players mutually agree on a stage or random.

Street Fighter 5 - PS4

99 second rounds.

2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Top 8 finalists. trc

3/5 games for Grand Finals.

Winner must keep character, but may change V-Trigger & V-Skill.

Random stage select or players (players may opt. for an agreed stage).

If either stage is randomly selected repeat random stage selection process until a tournament legal stage appears.

The Kanzuki Beach, Skies of Honor and Flamenco Tavern stages are banned from play.

The following costumes are banned: Pyron Gill, Nergigante Blanka.

Mortal Kombat 11 – PS4

90 second timer.

2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Top 8 finalists.

3/5 Games for Grand Finals.

Interactables: ON Tournament mode variations only.

Winner must keep character.

Random stage select (players may opt. for an agreed stage).

Dragon Ball Fighter Z - PS4

300 second rounds. 2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Finals.

Winner must keep characters/team.

Random stage select.

Multiversus - PS4

1v1 matches

Default time setting with 2 ringouts

2/3 rounds per game

2/3 games per set

3/5 games for Top 8 finalists

3/5 games for Grand Finals

Hazards off

Selectable stages will be Platform Sky Arena, Sky Arena, and Trophy’s Edge. All other stages banned

If time runs out, the winner is determined by remaining ringouts, and then by ending damage number.

If both ringout and damage are identical, or a game ends with both players being KO'd simultaneously, then a tiebreaker is played.

A tiebreaker is a 1 ringout, 3-minute match with the same characters and the same stage.

Rumbleverse - PS4

1v1 matches

The player with the most elims at the end of the game session will be awarded the win.

If there is a tie in elims, the player that survived the longest wins the match.

If both players survive to the end of the match (Victory Royale), the team who achieved the final elim shall win the round.

Award 1 point extra (to elimination score) to the player that won in the case of a draw after following the rules above as you can input a draw result when reporting the scores.

Street Fighter Third Strike - PS4

99 second rounds.

2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 Games for Finals.

Winner must keep character.

Random stage select.

Gill is banned.

Killer Instinct (1994) - Arcade

99 second rounds

2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Top 8 finalists.

3/5 Games for Grand Finals.

Winner must keep character

Random stage select

Marvel vs Capcom 2 – PS4

99 second rounds

2/3 rounds per game.

2/3 games per set.

3/5 games for Top 8 finalists.

3/5 Games for Grand Finals.

Default handicap and damage

Turbo 1

Winner must keep character.

Racing Games:

Initial D Arcade Stage Zero - Arcade

Players’ license cards can be used, and is recommended but not required

Catch up will be off, however it can be turned on if agreed upon by both players.

Single elimination, players will compete head to head. Winner advances to next round.

1st round course, time of day, and hill type will be picked by TO. 2nd round-semi-finals will be picked by participants: higher seed picks course, lower seed picks time of day and hill type. Final round will be selected by TO.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Nintendo Switch

Participants will be randomly seeded. 

Players are permitted to use their own controller, those without a controller will be provided by the arcade. 

CPUs will be turned on. Teams, Auto-Accelerate, and Smart Steering will be turned off. 

Course will be selected at random. 

4 players will compete once per round, and First place (or whoever is closest to First) from each race advances to next round. 

Wangan Midnight MAXIMUM TUNE 5 DX PLUS – Arcade

Players’ license cards can be used, and is recommended but not required

Single elimination

Participants will race 4 at a time, top 2 players advance to the next round

In the event of machine failure, TO will review the issue and holds the right to decide whether to forfeit the player or restart the race

Top 16 will play on 3 maps (C1 CLOSED, OSAKA, HAKONE)

Top 8 until finals will play on 5 maps (C1 CLOSED, OSAKA, HAKONE, FUKUOKA, YOKOHANE)


Be respectful of the machines.

Each player has one opportunity per machine.

No resetting/restarting your game.

No death saves or bang back.

Games will be set to tournament mode with no ball saves.


Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge

No warmup games allowed during tournament

Participants must have a Stern Insider Connect account and be logged in for their game

Toy Story 4

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge

No warmup games allowed during tournament

Participants must have a Scorbit account and be logged in for their game


Pac-Man – Arcade

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge.

No warmup games will be permitted during tournament

The participant with the highest score wins.

Galaga - Arcade

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge.

No warmup games will be permitted during tournament

The participant with the highest score wins.

Tetris Classic – Tetris Effect: Connected on PS4

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge

No warmup games will be permitted during tournament

The participant with the highest score wins

In the event of tie, players will face off 1v1 for the highest score

Sports Games & Other:

FIFA 2023 – PS4

*Required by EA in this tournament ruleset for legal purposes: This tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors.

Participants will be randomly seeded

12 minute matches with 6 minute halves

All playable teams in the game roster will be allowed, with the except of all-star or aid teams

No custom formations, only default in-game formations will be used

Air Hockey

Participants will be randomly seeded.

TO will assign side of table. Single elimination.

Participants are not allowed to use their hands to stop or move puck.

If puck flies off table, TO will return the puck to the player that did not lose it.

Participants will face off in a 1v1 match. Winner advances to the next round.

NBA Hoops

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge.

No warmup games will be permitted during tournament

The participant with the highest score wins.

Any balls that roll away from play will be retrieved by TO and returned to the player that lost it.

If ball gets stuck and prevents gameplay, play will be suspended so TO can retrieve the ball.

Pac-Man Battle Royale

Please be respectful of the other players and the machine.

Up to 4 randomly seeded players will compete at once.

Winner advances to the next round until there is only one player left, who will be declared victor of the tournament.

Punching Bag

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge.

No warmup games will be permitted during tournament

Participants may only use their fists to hit the bag, no kicking or headbutting allowed

The participant with the highest score wins

Jet Pong

Participants will be randomly seeded.

No warmup games will be permitted during tournament

Participants will face off in a 1v1 match. Winner advances to the next round.

Ping Pong

Single elimination

Participants will be randomly seeded.

TO will assign side of table.

Participants are not allowed to use their hands to stop the ball in gameplay

If ball flies off table, TO will return the ball to the player that did not lose it.

Participants will face off in a 1v1 match. Winner advances to the next round.


Up to 4 randomly seeded players will play at once. Winner advances to the next round.


Black Emperor - Arcade

Participants will get one play opportunity to compete in a high-score challenge.

No warmup games will be permitted.

The participant with the highest score wins.

Killer Queen - Arcade

Tournament will be played on the current Beta Build. Single elimination tournament. Teams will be randomly seeded.

● All teams that are registered will be randomly assigned their opponents by


● Best of three (3) games played

○ Day Map played first

○ Loser picks next map between Night or Dusk

○ Each map must be played once before returning to a map previously


○ Twilight/Meat Map is allowed but must be agreed to by both teams.

● Finals

○ Best of Five (5) games played

■ Day Map played first

■ Loser picks next map between Night or Dusk

■ Each map must be played once before returning to a map

previously played


● Teams can only have five (5) players/participants

● Players can only control one (1) character per game

● Players can only play on one (1) team

● Alternate players allowed in extenuating circumstances

○ Replacement player drawn from randomly selected non-participant volunteers

first then eliminated player volunteers second

○ All substitutions must be approved by all opponents for the remainder of the


Cab Decision

● Cabinet positions are based off of Challonge

● The team placed in the first (top) spot for a match plays on Blue Cabinet

● The team placed in the second (bottom) spot for a match plays on the Gold Cabinet

● If the teams decide to switch sides it must be made aware to a TO and agreed upon by

both teams before a match starts

● No switching cabs in the middle of games played

Absent player

● If a team is missing a player, they may use a bot at the opposing team’s discretion

● If a bot is not allowed, a Tournament Organizer (TO) will tap the missing player’s

character into the game and the team will continue to play for the remainder of the game

● If an absent player arrives in the middle of a game playing, they are allowed to join the

ongoing match


● Teams are allowed a single 90 second timeout.

● If a timeout is called, team must inform a TO before the start of a game during a match

● Players are not allowed to “pause” a game during a match to call a timeout

Standby Time

● No more than thirty (30) seconds allowed between games of a match

○ If thirty (30) seconds elapse, an organizer can demand both teams to start,

regardless of players present

○ If a team refuses to start, they will forfeit that game

● No more than one (1) minute allowed between matches

○ If one (1) minute elapses, an organizer can demand both teams to start,

regardless of players present

○ If a team refuses to start, they will forfeit the first game in their match

Glitches, Hacks, Exploits

● There will be no tolerance for any abuse of any glitches or hacks known or found during

the Arcade Olympics 2021

● If any software glitch happens during a map/round that is played, the game is allowed to

be replayed and does not count towards the scoring

● Please play to the best of your abilities and do not attempt to tank or self sabotage your


Mechanical Issues

● If there becomes a mechanical issue with a joystick or button during gameplay, inform

the nearest TO as soon as possible but continue to play the game through

● After the game is completed there will be a test made by two (2) participants (one of

them being a TO)

● If there is an issue with the button or joystick, there will be maintenance made before the

tournament moves forward

● If it is determined that the mechanical issue brought up was a determining factor of the

gameplay of that specific character, the game will be allowed to be replayed where the

original scoring is no longer valid

● If the issue continues to happen after there was maintenance, it will be no longer be

allowed as a reason to replay the game

● Glances will not be allowed as a reason for replay


● Be kind to one another

● It’s okay if everyone isn’t friends; be kind and respectful to one another regardless

● Everyone must follow the rules of Arcade Monsters

● Excessive intoxication, fighting, vandalism of Arcade Monsters property, theft of items,

and other banned behaviors will result in instant removal from the arcade and The

Arcade Olympics 2021 event.

● No cross cab communications (taunting, singling out, and non verbal gestures)

● No coaching from the crowd



● This applies to all participants, spectators, and commentators

● Remember to wash hands and sanitize to prevent spread of Covid-19

● Ask for consent before hugging/touching someone



Updated tournament lineup, vendors, and performers are listed below. Tournament registration is $5 per tournament to be paid on site on the day of the tournament.